
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

books to let GO ~

Tuk sesape yg berminat mau menggunakan bku2 rujukan KIMIA spt d bwh, anda boleh mndapatkn secara PERCUMA~! (klau korng rs nk bli pn ku ok jer ;). org kate rezki jgn d tolak. ahaks!)

d bwh adelh bku2 rujukan yg ku gunakn time undergrad. area thn 2006-2009.... tuk bdk2 kmia Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), bku2 ni merupakn antara bku2 rujukan yg d gnekn oleh lecturer2 d Fakulti Sains.

Kondisi buku adelah BAIK. (except 4 basic solid state chem coz gam dier x sebaik bku atkins.. but all pages are still there. don't worry)
(kesan2 highlighter yg ku gnekn time bt rujukn. harap maaf ianya x leh ilang)

Reason to let go, sharing is caring =)

cme perlu byr tuk hrga pos (tp ku rs lbh baik dtg amk coz berat bku2 nih)
klau yg b'minat tu tgl area UPM, ku akn pergi UPM every weekend
(Januari-Mei, ku akn g stiap sbtu coz ade kelas)

antara bku2

Physical chem, Atkins, Oxford, 8th edition

Inorganic chem, Shriver & Atkins, Oxford, 4th edition

Chemistry (Matter and Its Changes), Brady & Senese, 4th edition

Principles of Instrument Analysis, Holler

Intro to spectroscopy chem, Pavis, 3rd edition 

Basic Solid State chem, Anthony, 2nd edition
  if ade yg interested, just drop me a msg. tq~!

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