1st... slepas berfikir. n brfikir n berfikir, (bukan setakat fikir 2 o 3 kali.. tp lebih dari 23 kali).... i am not going to further my PhD.. Y? hm... *let it be*
2nd.. I am going to try something else... yes. I mean it. with a few investment.. harap apa yang ak buat ni berbaloi.. but still kene study lagi... notes.. exams... but this time will be different. *i guess so...*

Bila ak mintak pndapat ayh, ayh cakap "cuba la"
Me: cuba? with this amount of money, bukan setakat cuba2~
Application akan d hantar in a few days.. or tomorrow. hopefully ada good news.
Owh, but first, on Monday, I will tell my manager that I stay~ Owh Monday.... ok. lupakan Isnin yg tgh tunggu (ok. actually Manager yg tgh tunggu keje2 ku nk d bawa ke JAKIM) .. lalui hari ahd esok dengan ceria =)
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